Ensign Learning Center
Keepers of the light

Keeper of the Light
The purpose of the Keeper of the Light Award is to recognize those students who show excellent character traits or major improvement in developing excellent character traits. Choose students who are performing at an excellent level or who are working toward improving and making great progress at performing at an excellent level. This award should be a tool to not only recognize and reward the correct and desired behavior, but also to encourage all students to always be working toward improvement and excellence. Is actively working to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ:
Keeper of the Light criteria:
-is kind/has shown shown tremendous improvement in being kind to all others and can now be considered kind
-makes an effort to think of others or is showing great progress in this area and is becoming/has become a considerate person
-is honest/has improved their honesty and can now be considered honest and trustworthy
-takes care of others/is working to become someone who takes care of others
-is obedient/has improved their obedience and can now be considered an obedient student
-is loyal to the Order
-is chaste
-is humble/is trying to develop humility and is showing progress in this character trait
-is dedicated to doing the right thing
-works to make whatever they do excellent
-has developed or is developing the ability to endure to the end in righteous endeavors
-is a peacemaker/is making an effort and succeeding at being a peacemaker
-is patient/ is developing patience and has made progress in this character trait
-is optimistic/is making an effort to become an optimistic person and is succeeding
-shows appreciation for things and people by taking care of them/is improving in this character trait
-is actively working to consecrate their whole self to the Lord through preparing to be a useful servant of the Lord
-has empathy for others or is continually trying to develop this character trait
-actively works to please the ones above them/is improving in this character trait at a noteworthy level
-does not bully others/is open to instruction on what bullying is and changes any behavior which demonstrates this
-will not gossip about others/ is open to instruction on what gossip is and works to change this bad habit
-righteously protects or stands up for others/ is working to develop the courage and ability to do this
-Conducts themselves in a respectful manner to all staff and teachers in every class
-Works to understand how to use respectful words, tone of voice, and actions towards all peers and is open to correction and instruction in
-developing the character trait of respect
-Has no card pulls to yellow or lower in any class for the current quarter only
-Has no more than 5 unexcused absences for the year
-Has been reasonably responsible with homework for the current quarter
-Has been reasonably responsible with in-class work for the current quarter

Brother's/Sister's Keeper
The purpose of the Brother's/Sister's Keeper Award is to recognize those students who show excellence in living the Gospel of Jesus Christ by taking care of all those around them. This award should be a tool to not only recognize and reward the correct and desired behavior but also to encourage all students to work toward becoming a perfect example of one who has chiarity and lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Students should nominate fellow classmates who demonstrate the following criteria.
Brother's / Sister's Keeper criteria:
-is kind to others
-is helpful to their peers
-actively looks for ways to help and include everyone
-protects those who are weaker or younger than they
-will stand up for anyone who is being bullied or teased and will notify a teacher or parent to help get the bullying/teasing stopped
-is an example of righteousness their brothers and sisters can follow
-looks for ways to include others who are not normally included

Student of the Year
This award is intended to celebrate behavior and character traits we want all other students to emulate. In order to qualify as a student of the year a student must:
Student of the Year criteria:
-is kind
-thinks of others
-is honest
-takes care of others
-is obedient
-is loyal to the Order
-is chaste
-is humble
-is dedicated to doing the right thing
-works to make whatever they do excellent
-endures to the end in righteous endeavors
-is a peacemaker
-is patient
-is optimistic
-shows appreciation for things and people by taking care of them
-works to consecrate their whole self to the Lord
-has empathy for others
-actively works to please the ones above them
-does not bully others
-will not gossip about others
-righteously protects/stands up for others
-Has conducted themselves in a respectful manner to all staff and teachers in _every class the entire year.
-Has used respectful words, tone of voice, and actions towards all peers _throughout the year.
-Has no card pulls to yellow or lower in any class for the year
-Has no more than 5 unexcused absences for the year.
-Has been responsible with homework for the majority of the year.
-Has been responsible with in-class work the majority of the year.
-Has maintained an overall GPA in the top ten percentile of their class.

Hope Of The Order
Hope of the Order applicant is not a temporary behavior but a way of life.
Hope Of The Order Criteria
-Make a place for others
-Watch out and care for your fellow classmates
-Watch out for and take care of others
-Be an example for all fellow classmates
-Strive for excellence in all areas
-Be close to and know Heavenly Father as well as those over you
-Ability to bring the spirit of the Lord to the classroom and students
-Be a leader in helping others to stand in righteousness as needed Recognize that there is someone over you that you fit in with and are trying to please
-Know who your patriarch is and understand how you tie in to the leadership of the Order -- -Display, Obedience, Appreciation, Loyalty, Virtue, Honesty, Respect, and the desire to please
-Know who the leaders of the Order are
-Look for ways to serve others Follow school policies and procedures

This award is intended to recognize and celebrate he/she who performed at the highest level of their peers in this subject.
Best of Subject
Best of Subject criteria:
-achieved the highest cumulative GPA in this subject in their grade
-scored in the highest percentile of CAT scoring in their grade in that subject
-achieved the highest class scores in this subject
-performed in the top five highest percentile of responsibility in this subject's homework
-performed in the top five highest percentile of practice in this subject (if applicable)